Longmont Complete Dentistry Blog

A Longmont Dentist Compares Metal vs Tooth-Colored Fillings

August 26, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — longmontteam @ 6:45 pm

Dental fillings

Even if you brush your teeth every day and visit the dentist regularly, it is still possible for your teeth to develop cavities. In fact, a staggering 92% of U.S. adults ages 20 to 64 have had at least one cavity, according to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research. To protect teeth from further damage after a cavity, dentists recommend placing a filling in the space left from decay. But which type of filling is the best? In this blog post, a Longmont dentist compares the two most common types of dental fillings and explains why tooth-colored fillings are the superior choice to protect teeth from further decay.


Is Dental Porcelain Strong Enough to Repair My Smile?

June 13, 2018

Several porcealin restorations on tabletopMany patients can’t understand why the dentist would recommend porcelain materials to repair teeth. Delicate things like porcelain dolls and porcelain teacups come to mind first, and it may seem unlikely that porcelain is strong enough to repair damaged teeth or enhance your smile. However, think about the strength of a porcelain knife. The type of porcelain, design, and use make all the difference when it comes to the strength of porcelain. In fact, dental-grade porcelain is typically just as strong (if not stronger) than your natural tooth enamel. Whether you’re considering cosmetic treatment using porcelain veneers or dental restoration with a porcelain crown or bridge, a skilled dentist can create durable, long lasting porcelain restorations that leave you with flawless smiles.

What’s in Your Toothpaste?

June 12, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — longmontteam @ 4:18 pm

toothpaste and toothbrushAs a health-conscious person, you’re probably always scrutinizing the ingredients list of any food you buy. You look for foods that are free from complex-sounding chemicals and artificial dyes, and you’re careful to avoid anything that has ingredients you’re allergic to. But do you take a similar approach with your toothpaste? As your family dentist in Longmont explains, it’s important that you know what you’re using to keep your smile clean and fresh.


Dentist in Longmont Thanks the Community for Choosing His Practice!

May 15, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — longmontteam @ 6:03 pm

The logo for best dentist from Times-Call Magazine.It’s been over two decades since Dr. James A. Maurer started practicing in the Longmont area. He’s been doing his best to provide patients a very high standard of care to as many patients as possible. Now, his patients have spoken not just about his dental care, but about his son’s treatment as well. Clearly the apple does not fall far from the tree.

Today, Longmont Complete Dentistry thanks its patients for voting it as the best dentist in Longmont!


Emergency Dentist in Longmont Can Determine Which Tooth Hurts

May 7, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — longmontteam @ 6:50 pm

woman with toothacheThere is nothing worse than a toothache. It can send waves of pain throughout your face and head. Although the discomfort is often due to a single tooth, it can feel as though your entire mouth is the source of the problem. While you can sometimes determine which tooth is causing the problem, other times it may not be as clear. To better understand why your whole mouth hurts, a new study was conducted to address the issue. With the study’s findings, your emergency dentist in Longmont can better detect the underlying cause to provide you with the relief you need.

Your Dentist in Longmont Discusses Oral Cancer

April 30, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — longmontteam @ 8:06 am

professional man smiling in the officeOral cancer diagnoses are on the rise in the United States, with estimates from the Oral Cancer Foundation saying that nearly 50,000 people will learn they have this disease in 2018. That’s a big number — but getting an early diagnosis greatly aids in successful treatment. With that information in mind, we’d like to ask… have you had an oral cancer screening lately? If the answer is no, keep reading. This blog post is for you.


Oral Care Lowers Your Risk of Cancer Says Your Dentist in Longmont

April 4, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — longmontteam @ 9:10 pm

A mother and daughter brushing their teeth together.Practicing regular oral care dramatically reduces your risk of developing tooth decay and gum disease. However, did you know it can lower your risk of developing pancreatic cancer as well? According to recent research coming out of Finland and Sweden, researchers have for the first time ever found the connection between periodontitis and the onset of cancer.

To learn more about the study and what steps to take to prevent pancreatic cancer, keep reading this post from your dentist in Longmont.


You Won’t Need Dental Implants in Longmont If You Visit the Dentist

March 12, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — longmontteam @ 6:08 pm

A woman smiling at her dental visit.In an analysis conducted and published by the British Dental Journal, scientists found that those with dental phobia were more likely to have one or more teeth with cavities than the average adult. They also found that they were more likely to have more missing teeth on average. One of the biggest parts of maintaining proper oral care includes visiting your dentist every six months. Luckily, there are ways to get the care you need without anxiety or dental implants in Longmont.


Want Dental Implants in Longmont? Consider Kicking These Habits

March 5, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — longmontteam @ 3:47 pm

A person smoking a cigarette.Over the past several decades, we’ve found out how bad cigarettes truly are for us. Smoking tobacco increases our chances of getting heart disease and other serious diseases not just because of the tobacco, but also due to all the added chemicals. As a result, many people have switched to using vaporizers to satisfy their nicotine cravings guilt-free. However, if you plan on getting dental implants in Longmont or having good oral health at all for that matter, is it still a reasonable alternative?


Is Hydrogen Peroxide a Safe Teeth Whitener? Longmont Dentist Weighs in

January 14, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — longmontteam @ 5:14 pm

before and after teeth whiteningIt’s perfectly normal to desire to have a perfectly white smile. For starters, it improves your self-esteem, but it also has a great impact on how others view you. The latter is echoed in the results of a recent study where people were surveyed about the importance of the appearance of a person’s teeth. In one data sample 73% said they would be more likely to trust a person with a nice smile than someone with a flashy car or stylish wardrobe. That says volumes about the importance of how your teeth look because the type of vehicle you drive and clothes you wear are big-time status symbols in our society.

One of the methods available to perfect your smile and ensure that you make a positive first impression is teeth whitening involving hydrogen peroxide. But how do you know that it’s safe to use? Thankfully, your Longmont dentist weighs in with some answers.


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