Longmont Complete Dentistry Blog

Keep Your Teeth Clean with National Handwashing Awareness Week

December 2, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — longmontteam @ 8:02 pm
person washing their hands

Do you remember being a little kid and your parents telling you to wash up before dinner? Did you ever think it was strange that they never told you to wash your hands before eating breakfast, lunch, or a snack? Since germs don’t care what meal you’re about to have, it’s crucial to wash your hands before you place your hands anywhere near your mouth, such as when you’re eating. Because the first week of December is National Handwashing Awareness Week, now is the perfect time to learn from a dentist how best to keep your hands clean.


How to Save a Knocked-Out Tooth

November 12, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — longmontteam @ 4:50 pm
woman getting punched in face with boxing glove

Your friends are back in town for the holidays, and you’re all celebrating by tossing the old pigskin around. You’re having a grand old time until one of your friends tackles you a little harder than they meant to, and your face smashes right into the ground. When you get up, you notice that your tooth has been knocked out! Can you save it? Yes, but only if you act quickly. Call your emergency dentist first thing, but in the meantime, here are the steps you need to take to save your tooth.


What Causes Large Bumps on Your Gums?

October 2, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — longmontteam @ 5:43 pm
person with bump on gums

You’re brushing your teeth one night when you catch sight of something strange in your reflection. You take a closer look and realize there’s a large, gross bump on your gums! What does it mean? What are you supposed to do? Can your dentist help? Continue reading to find out.  


Ask Your Dentist: “Is My Tooth Supposed to Hurt After a Filling?”

September 25, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — longmontteam @ 5:34 pm
Woman Rubbing Jaw

If you need a filling from your dentist to save your tooth from decay, chances are you’ll deal with some discomfort or tooth sensitivity for a few days after the procedure. While you might have concerns at first, there’s no need to worry; in most cases, this pain is normal and will go away on its own. In the meantime, it’s important to understand what to expect in the days after getting a filling and how you can take care of a sensitive tooth – as well as how to tell the difference between normal pain and a symptom of a genuine issue.


Are Tooth Decay and Gum Disease Genetic?

August 22, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — longmontteam @ 6:02 pm
family in a dental chair

Lots of traits can be passed down from generation to generation, such as hair color, height, and unfortunately, some diseases. Most of us have some unlucky condition in our family history, like heart disease or breast cancer. However, a new study from the University of Bristol in the UK suggests that genetics also play a part in whether you contract gum disease or tooth decay. Read more below as a dentist in Longmont talks about what the results of that study mean to you.


Forgetful? 4 Ways You Can Tell You Are in Need of Gum Disease Therapy

August 5, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — longmontteam @ 8:42 pm
an image of bacteria found in gum disease

Do you know that your mouth and body health are much more intertwined than you think? If poor oral hygiene habits, decay, disease, or infection exist within the mouth, you can expect signs of other health-related conditions to begin showing, and vice versa. One of the best ways to combat some of the most unexpected dangers associated with harmful plaque and tartar around the gum line is with gum disease therapy in Longmont. Find out more about these dangerous risks and how treatment can help.


There’s No Need to Fear Root Canals in Longmont!

July 18, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — longmontteam @ 1:10 pm
Smiling dental patient

Root canal therapy has a reputation for being a particularly unpleasant dental procedure. Whenever people talk about it it’s probably to mention how painful it supposedly is. Some patients even choose to avoid it altogether. However, such fears are unwarranted; in reality, root canals in Longmont are no more uncomfortable than other dental treatments and avoiding them can actually cause you far more pain in the long run.


How Gum Disease in Longmont Might Lead to Liver Cancer

June 19, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — longmontteam @ 6:36 pm
Liver Cancer

The systemic oral connection describes how problems in your mouth can be tied to health issues throughout your body. In particular, unhealthy gums have already been linked to several conditions – heart problems, Alzheimer’s, respiratory illness – and recent studies have found one more possible correlation: liver cancer. Here’s what you need to know about gum disease in Longmont and its connection to a life-threatening disease.


Want a Better Smile? A Cosmetic Dentist in Longmont Can Help

May 15, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — longmontteam @ 4:51 pm
smiling man

You landed an interview for your dream job. You’re perfectly qualified, you’ve rehearsed what you’re going to say, your resume looks astounding. But when it comes to the interview itself, your confidence drops. You’re afraid to smile. If the interviewer sees your stained teeth, he might not have good things to say. You may even miss out on the job altogether. But what can you do? Seeing a cosmetic dentist in Longmont before your next job search may be the perfect option.


Will Dental Insurance Cover Services From a Cosmetic Dentist In Longmont?

April 16, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — longmontteam @ 8:08 pm
Woman having the shade of her teeth matched

Having a smile you feel proud of is incredibly important for your overall self-confidence. But, unfortunately, most people aren’t born with the smile they want. However, we’re lucky to live in a day and age when a cosmetic dentist in Longmont can correct nearly any issue you might be facing, and sometimes in just 1-2 visits. But one of the most common questions many people have is whether their dental insurance will cover cosmetic procedures. Keep reading to find out more and learn how to make it affordable to get the smile you’ve always wanted!

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