5 Ways Cosmetic Dentistry Returns Youthful Appearance

July 21, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — longmontteam @ 4:12 pm
A woman smiling with her new veneers

For those struggling to return to their younger days, cosmetic dentistry may hold the key to turning back the clock. Especially treatments like porcelain veneers. The unseen connections between your teeth, gums, and facial features play a crucial role in how young you appear to others. After all, your eyes and your smile are the first things most people will look at when appraising your age, so having a bright and pleasing grin can subtract years from those assumptions.

With advanced techniques and innovative treatments, cosmetic dentistry continues to offer more ways to restore your smile and your youthful appearance at the same time. Continue reading to learn five ways to take back a younger you.

1.    Teeth Whitening Treatments – Whiter Teeth Look Younger

When you think of a stereotypical old person in a movie, one of their defining features is often a yellow smile. This visual storytelling is how writers and directors are able to convey the idea of their age without coming out and saying it.

Unfortunately, the same applies in real life. Teeth stained by years of dark-colored drinks and cigarettes are often associated with the elderly.

Teeth whitening treatments are some of the quickest and most popular options for shaving years off your visage. While most whitening treatments can be done at home in a few weeks, your dentist may offer in-office teeth whitening that takes less than an hour to complete!

2. Dental Cleanings – Prevent Red Gums From Aging Your Mouth

You may not think about your gums too often, but they’re the other half of your oral equation when it comes to aesthetics. Red, swollen, and inflamed gums are a sign of poor oral hygiene and can give you a much older appearance, even if your teeth are otherwise good.

Brushing regularly and scheduling routine professional cleanings with your dentist can help prevent gum disease and its symptoms, returning the youthful vigor that healthy pink gums can provide.

3. Cosmetic Dental Bonding – Chipped Teeth and Gaps are Associated with Age

Teeth naturally wear down over time as an effect of the aging process. As the enamel gets thinner, your teeth are more prone to chipping or breaking. This can create a jagged appearance in your mouth or leave gaps between your teeth that add years to your face.

Cosmetic dental bonding is a great, affordable option to fill gaps and smooth your teeth with a special bonding agent for a cleaner, more aesthetic smile.

4.  Porcelain Veneers – A More Symmetrical Smile Will Make You Look Younger

Studies have shown that humans associate symmetry with beauty and aesthetics with youth. Porcelain veneers are hard, natural-looking shells that are adhered to the surface of your teeth.

This Is a popular option because veneers can fix many dental imperfections at once—including slight misalignments.

5. Dental Implants – Restore Bone Density for a Fuller Face

Missing teeth are one of the most common causes of bone loss in a person’s face. Your teeth are held in place by their roots in your jawbone. If a tooth is removed, the bone begins to deteriorate in that area. This can lead to a gaunter appearance associated with older people.

Dental implants are designed to replace the root of a missing tooth and fill the gap with a natural-looking prosthetic. The artificial root will prevent your jaw from deteriorating and keep your face looking full and vital.

While cosmetic dentistry may not be the first thing you think of when attempting to turn back the hands of time, the treatments provided can truly make a difference.

About the Practice

At Longmont Complete Dentistry Dr. Dan and Dr. James A. Maurer treat their patients like family first and foremost. As a father and son team, they understand that the relationships they build with their clients are important to their continued oral health. Dr. James earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the University of Minnesota and relocated to Longmont after falling in love with the town. Dr. Dan earned his dental doctorate at the University of Colorado School of Dental Medicine. If you want to restore your youth with a smile, visit their website here or call (303) 772-7000 to schedule an appointment.