4 Ways Visiting Your Dentist Can Save You Money

November 10, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — longmontteam @ 6:41 pm
patient smiling in dental chair

It’s officially that time of the year everyone looks forward to – the holiday season! Now that Christmas is right around the corner, most people are looking for ways to save money in preparation for all the gift-giving and festivities. Although you may think that canceling your dental appointments is a good way to reduce expenses, it can cost you much more in the long run. That said, here’s how regularly visiting your dentist for checkups and cleanings can bulk up your savings.

Early Detection of Gum Disease

Periodontal (gum) disease is a dangerous yet easily preventable condition that affects one out of every two adults. Early detection is critical to treat or even reverse it before it worsens. Every time you visit your dentist in Longmont for a checkup, they’ll look for signs of it so they can administer treatment before the disease wreaks havoc on your oral health. By skipping these visits, gum disease can become severe and cause gum recession, resulting in loose teeth and even tooth loss. At that point, you’d need to spend more money on restorations and periodontal therapy, both of which may not be covered by dental insurance down the road.

Prevent Tooth Discoloration

At the end of every professional dental cleaning, your dentist will wrap up the appointment by polishing your teeth using a substance called prophylaxis paste. The gritty material helps lift stains caused by the consumption of dark-colored foods and drinks (i.e., coffee, tea, soda, red wine, soy sauce). Your smile will look so bright and healthy you won’t feel the need to spend additional money on teeth whitening treatment!

Regular Oral Cancer Screenings

It may surprise you to learn that dentists conduct an oral cancer screening at every routine checkup. They carefully check your mouth, throat, and soft oral tissues for abnormalities and signs of the life-threatening disease. Since oral cancer spreads quickly, missing even one preventive checkup can make the difference between treating it and needing chemotherapy. Therefore, these screenings not only save you money, but your life as well.

Keep Dental Problems at Bay

Even if you’re diligent about brushing and flossing, there are small areas in your mouth that can’t be reached with the standard at-home practices. Fortunately, your dentist has special tools that can thoroughly clean all the nooks and crannies, lowering your risk of plaque and bacteria buildup. If you develop a small cavity, it can be treated with a filling, which is often covered by dental insurance. However, allowing it to go untreated for too long can compromise the strength and structure of your tooth. If that happens, you might need more extensive and costly treatments, such as a crown, root canal, or extraction. Since these services are typically only partially covered by insurance, your out-of-pocket expenses may be much higher.

As you can see, regularly visiting your dentist is one of the best things you can do for your overall health. Not only can you enjoy a healthy smile, but you can save plenty of money over the years!

About the Practice

At Longmont Complete Dentistry, we provide comprehensive, exceptional, state-of-the-art dental care that’s guaranteed to exceed even your highest expectations. Our team is passionate about helping you achieve and maintain your absolute best money. If you have any questions about your dental insurance, we’re more than happy to answer them for you. Visit our website or call (303) 772-7000 to speak to a member of our team.