Dental Technology’s Power: AI Can Detect Gum Disease Early

May 16, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — longmontteam @ 10:09 am
A dentist performing early detection of oral health issues

More and more, AI technology is making waves as the next big trend. Whether it’s ChatGPT or Midjourney, you can’t help hearing about machine intelligence and what it can do now. Still, it isn’t just the generative stuff that’s having big breakthroughs. New research shows that AI can detect gum disease early and greatly help dental patients. For details on this science news, let your Longmont dentist say more. Here’s a summary of gum disease, how AI detects it, and why early detection matters.

Context: What’s Gum Disease?

If you don’t know much about gum disease, it’s best to review the basics before proceeding. Doing so lets you see why AI’s detection ability is so exciting.

In essence, gum disease is an infection of your gums. It most often results from plaque – a bacterial biofilm – building up too much in your mouth. That said, this condition does have other big risk factors like genetics, tobacco use, hormonal changes, etc.

Gum disease develops in two distinct stages once left to itself. Its first phase is called gingivitis – an early form that inflames your gum tissue. The condition may then become periodontitis, an infection that attacks your gums and jaw. While gingivitis is reversible, this second form can only be managed.

AI & Early Gum Disease Detection

It’s normally dentists who detect and diagnose gum disease, but that may not be true for much longer. A recent study finds certain AIs can also manage this task.

The study was published in the International Dental Journal, an official journal of the World Dental Federation. In it, scholars found that AIs can analyze patients’ dental photos to detect redness, swelling, and other gum disease signs. These algorithms even did this work with over 90% accuracy! So, they could allow for widespread monitoring of gum health and more personal dental care.

Why Does Early Detection Matter?

While AI’s early detection ability may seem nice, perhaps you aren’t sure why it matters. Well, the truth is that it has the following benefits:

  • It Prevents Tooth Loss – If it’s caught too late, gum disease can cause you to lose teeth. That means AI’s early detection could let you keep your full smile!
  • It Can Save Your Life – Aside from its more apparent effects, gum disease raises your risk of heart attacks and strokes. Detecting and treating it early may just keep those issues at bay.
  • It Reduces Spending – Preventive dental care costs less than dental emergency work. So, a checkup’s early detection (and treatment) of gum disease isn’t as pricy as treating infected gums later.

Only time will tell if (or when) AI gains widespread use for gum disease detection. Until then, see your dentist often to keep your gums healthy.

About the Practice

Longmont Complete Dentistry is based in Longmont, CO. Led by its three terrific dentists, our practice focuses on patient-centered care that helps patients feel heard. We thus offer custom treatments that span preventive, cosmetic, and restorative services, as well as emergency dental care. Naturally, our team is also equipped to detect and treat gum disease! For more details or to book a visit, you can reach us on our website or by phone at (972)-954-9728.