A Longmont Dentist Compares Metal vs Tooth-Colored Fillings

August 26, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — longmontteam @ 6:45 pm

Dental fillings

Even if you brush your teeth every day and visit the dentist regularly, it is still possible for your teeth to develop cavities. In fact, a staggering 92% of U.S. adults ages 20 to 64 have had at least one cavity, according to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research. To protect teeth from further damage after a cavity, dentists recommend placing a filling in the space left from decay. But which type of filling is the best? In this blog post, a Longmont dentist compares the two most common types of dental fillings and explains why tooth-colored fillings are the superior choice to protect teeth from further decay.
